They! A Shadowdark Adventure


They! is a pulp horror adventure for Shadowdark. It is designed to be used as part of other adventures with the slow dread of an unknown horror lurking in or as a quick accelerating decent into strange terror. 

Created for the Giant Slayer Games 2024 Shadowdark Halloween Jam

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They! is a weird and pulpy adventure but it is also a horror adventure. In my humble opinion horror is about anticipation and dread. Absolutely do not show the players the cover of the adventure.

The anticipation and dread should build over a few harmless encounters that hint at horrors beyond the imagining and then gory clues of a terrifying threat.

Ideally They! should be run alongside or introduced as part of the party’s ongoing
misadventures. Rumors and hints of some odd goings on should introduce them to the concept that something strange is out there.

Created for the Giant Slayer Games 2024 Shadowdark Halloween Jam


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They! A Shadowdark Adventure