On its face, this is an adventure supplement for your Cha’alt games. It details a post-apocalyptic trailer park called Turner Town. Inside you will and all kinds of charts, NPCs, adventure hooks, and optional rules to incorporate into your post-apocalyptic games.
Your characters can get cybernetic enhancements at The Chop Shop. Or, your players can head on over to the Lord of War Firearms & Munitions for specially commissioned weapons. They can watch a fight at The Arena or participate in a Death Race. The players can haggle with Jules the Fence or participate in a raid with Rocko the Barbarian. Or, they can seek an audience with Auntie T’eena in the hopes of getting a lucrative job from one of S’kbah’s most fearsome warlords! There is a lot to do in Turner Town and money is to be made by cunning adventurers and fearless warriors.
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