R&R is a set of supplementary material and options for ‘Old School’ games, with a bunch of innovations and choices to make it more fun and playable for more modern players. Inspiration is taken from the Rules Cyclopaedia, Old School Essentials and Lamentations of the Flame Princess amongst others as well as from the comic strip Feral & Foe from 2000AD.
In R&R you play monsters, and those monsters are all defined by ‘Race as Class’ or R&R (clever, eh?) In Palladium terms that makes them RCCs, or ‘Racial Character Classes’. I’ve done this precisely because I hate ‘Race as Class’ and I want to challenge myself as a designer to make them more fun. I also hate the de-emphasis on race (more properly species) in modern iterations of RPGs, and so have made this as a kneejerk reaction to killjoys who seem to think a gnome shouldn’t be statistically distinct from an ogre (and by extension, I suppose a mouse shouldn’t have different statistics to a mammoth).
These are the rules options and changes I suggest for playing R&R, along with rules for playing kobolds and some supplementary odds and sods with some updates to the lore.
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