Pulp Kharma v.2


In Pulp Kharma the Player Characters (PCs) are the stars of the show. The stats for each PC fits on a playing card for fast play. All that will be needed to play the game is a single six sided die (D6), and a single twenty sided die (D20) for use on outcome tables if you choose to use them.

Making the Characters are almost as much fun as playing them. Needless to say, play is very Pulpy with Characters performing amazing actions, and fighting against outrageous enemies.

The Game Master (GM) controls the World and Non-Player Characters (NPCs). The PCs and NPCs can be pre-generated or can be selected in any way the GM determines. However, there is a section on how to generate new Characters if you ever need to do this.

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Pulp Kharma v.2