MECCM1 – The Mines of Valdhum
MECCM1 – The Mines of Valdhum
Nordriki, the northern kingdom of the land of Mithgarthr, has been relatively free of dragons for hundreds of years, but recently the locals have been reporting sightings of red, white, and green dragons all throughout the Drekiberg mountains to the north. Recently, a green dragon has taken up residence in an abandoned mine that is close to the city of Valdhum. The surrounding land is rich with wildlife for the beast to feed on, and the lair it has chosen is well protected and secluded.
The Mines of Valdhum is an exciting adventure for 4-6 PCs of levels 6-8. Written originally for BECMI, it has since seen Labyrinth Lord and Fifth Edition conversions, and is now available for Castles & Crusades with a fresh layout, further editing and corrections, and new maps!
It includes:
* Setting information for a mysterious forest, “Der Nordwald!”
* Details for the town of Valdhum, located in the heart of Der Nordwald!
* A five level dungeon full of wicked creatures, vicious traps, and a vile green dragon!
 * A one level dungeon side quest, full of devious tricks and traps!
This module contains enough for many sessions of play that will satisfy both the pugnacious and cognitive player!Â
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