Endearing Light


OPORD #24283:

Blacklight Operation – Endearing Light

Outside the sleepy town of Spirit Bay, evil stirs. The Institute is deploying Agents to perform a rescue mission of a child with special gifts. One night, one light.

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Using the core rules from the blockbuster OSR rule set, Shadowdark by Arcane Library, and in association with The Scrying Dutchman; The Parlor proudly presents ENDEARING LIGHT a horror one shot adventure set in modern times.

Take on the roles of special agents commissioned by the clandestine organization “The Blacklight Institute” and save our Base Dimension (aka ‘BASED’) from rifts in the fabric of our reality. Armed with modern weapons and a Nullifier, these operatives are tasked with maintaining operational security and covert action to dispense with the evil seeping through these ARC Events and seal them off. 
In this book is all the required info to play  Viktor Gorchev’s amazing source book as well as a discount link for the full rules. 
Included are: 
40 pages of intense suspense and horror inducing events!
3 regenerated characters using the alternative and modern class rules found in Blacklight.
5 black and white maps, easy to print or add to your favorite VTT.
A new premium Blacklight themed character sheet to make your own Blacklight characters or to copy/edit the pregens.
Quick reference tables and guides for DMs and players alike.
A great way to kick off your modern Shadowdark campaign with a planned setting source book if this book performs well!

Pick up Shadowdark here:

View The Scrying Dutchman’s wares here:


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Endearing Light