Election Party – The Card Game for Charismatic Sociopaths
This is the PDF download, print-and-play edition. You can grab it before deciding whether to get the hardcopy version if you want. Print and play has blank cards, so you can add your own material to the game.
Election Party
The Card Game for Charismatic Sociopaths
Make Politics Fun Again
Play your part
Argue your platform
Survive your scandals
Win at democracy
With characters ranging to The Celebrity to the Social Justice Warrior to the Dull Moderate, these 10 Candidate Cards will assign you parts to play that will make you fight to be the best political candidate in the room. How will you get the most votes and win the hearts of the masses? Will you give the best speeches or become a punchline?Â
70Â POlicy CARDS
Will you declare war on Mars? Expand drone warfare? Enact Fully Automated Luxury Communism? Ban the Internet? Whatever your Policy Cards are, you must argue them better than the other players. You may randomly pick a Policy Card. You also may have a Policy Card assigned to you out of cruelty. The rules may change, just like democracy.
Is your political career over? It may be if you don’t have a good response to these Sandal Cards. Perhaps you straight-up murdered a guy. Maybe you had your nudes leaked. Maybe you said something offensive on Twitter a long time ago. You’re going to have to manipulate your way out of this one!
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